Swasthavritta and Yoga


Introduction about the Swasthavritta and Yoga Department :

 The branch of Ayurveda which integrates the Principles and Practices of Ayurveda, Yoga (AyurYoga) and Preventive and Social Medicine for Holistic Health and Wellness is called as Swasthavritta. (Swastha-Healthy, Vritta – Living)

  1. The department of Swasthavritta and Yoga focuses on Integrative and Holistic approach for Health Promotion, Positive Health, Disease Prevention, Disease Cure, Longevity and Wellness.
  2. The specialty of the department is personalized and holistic understanding of a Healthy Individual and Patient as a whole person through special Ayurvedic assessment methods like Nadi Parikshana (Pulse Examination), Prakruti (Constitution), Swasthya Parikshana (Health Status), and other Ayurvedic Examinations.
  3. The deeper understanding of a person extends with a systematic and individualized Health Plan based on Ayurvedic, Yogic and Naturopathic Principles and Practices of Healthy Diet, Therapeutic Diet, Healthy Lifestyle, Root Cure Consultation focusing on real root cause elimination, Detoxification through Panchakarma and Yoga, Rejuvenation through Rasayana and personalized counselling with tailored Ayurvedic medicines as per the in-depth study of the Individuals.
  4. Ayurveda and Yoga Education, Transdisciplinary Research, Innovations, Startups, Entrepreneurship and Public Health and Wellness and Medical value Tourism are the priority areas of the Swasthavritta and Yoga department.

Vision :

 To be an outstanding wellness section of esteemed All India Institute of Ayurveda to accomplish the Goal of Holistic Health and Wellness through Integrative approach of Ayurveda and Yoga for Preventive and Promotive Health Care.

  1. To set the highest standards for Ayurveda and Yoga Education, Research, Innovations and Patient Care for the benefit of humanity.


Mission :

 To be a role model by setting up benchmarks for Graduate, Postgraduate and Post-Doctoral Education in Swasthavritta and Yoga.

  1. To undertake transdisciplinary research focused on Integrated and Holistic approach for Health and Wellness through Ayurvedic Dietetics, Ayurvedic Nutraceuticals, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Regimen, and Therapeutic Yoga.
  2. To bring preventive and promotive health care of Ayurveda and Yoga of highest standards within the reach of every individual at National and International Level.

Objectives :

  1. To understand the applied aspects and practice the principles of Ayurvedic and Yogic Daily regimen, Seasonal regimen, and Diet regimen for disease prevention and health promotion.
  2. To understand the applied aspects and practice the principles of Yoga and Naturopathy sciences.
  3. To provide Ayurveda and Yoga based preventive healthcare services to the society especially for lifestyle disorders.
  4. To provide Ayurveda and Yoga based holistic health and wellness services to the community.
  5. To provide Health Status, Disease Condition, Occupation and Individual specific Ayurvedic Diet, Yoga, Lifestyle, Rasayana, Counselling, and Holistic Health Plans.
  6. To provide Disease Prevention and Root Cause Elimination targeted personalized health consultations to patients and Healthy Individuals.
  7. To develop “Hitahara” section dedicated to Ayurvedic Healthy Diet for all and “Pathyahara” section dedicated to Ayurvedic Therapeutic Diet for patients in the Institute.
  8. To develop “Arogya Yoga” section dedicated to Yoga for Health, Wellness and Spiritualty for all and “Niramaya Yoga” section dedicated to Yoga for Disease Prevention, Cure and Rehabilitation of the patients in the Institute.
  9. To undertake Ayurveda and Yoga based Transdisciplinary Research Projects and consultancies.
  10. To participate and contribute towards enrichment and in the accomplishment of the Goals of National Health Programs.
  11. To do international MOUs with National Boards, Tourism Departments, and premier Health Institutes of International repute dedicated to Integrative Holistic Health and Wellness and Transdisciplinary Research and Innovations.