Samhita and Siddhanta


INTRODUCTION – Samhita Siddhant Department of the All-India Institute of Ayurveda is one of the main pillars of the Ayurveda education. This department is primarily involved in imparting the knowledge of the main classical texts of Ayurveda such as Charaka Samhita, Ashtanga Hridaya etc. and the fundamental principles of Ayurveda such as Panchamahabhuta Siddhnata, Tridosha Siddhanta etc. along with its applications in clinical practice and research.   As the classical texts of Ayurveda are mainly written in the Sanskrit language, so this department is also involved in teaching the Sanskrit language to the students. Ayurveda is one of the most ancient medical knowledge of the world and it has a very long and vast history, this department also provides the knowledge of important aspects of history of Ayurveda with available evidences.  By doing so, the students are able to gain a deeper understanding of the subject and becomes able to identify more potential ways for exploration and practical applications of Ayurveda.

VISION- To Conduct outstanding research work in various fields based on the concepts outlined in the Samhitas.

MISSION- To provide students with the basic tools for approaching Ayurveda in a structured manner, which will enable them to understand the contents of Ayurveda literatures, as well as to utilize it in their clinical practices to help society.


  • To Provide the knowledge of main classical texts of Ayurveda
  • Explaining the fundamental principles of Ayurveda with its application in clinical practice and research.
  • Exploring the evidence-based history of Ayurveda
  • Providing knowledge of Sanskrit language with important grammatical details which are helpful for understanding the Samhitas.