Prasutitantra Evam Striroga deals with Prasuti ( Obstetrics) and Striroga ( Gynecology).The unique concepts of Prasutitantra evam Striroga are Garbhadana Purva Samskara ( Preconceptional care), Garbhasamskara, Garbhini Paricharya ( Antenatal care), Sootika Paricharya ( Postnatal care), Rajaswala Charya ( Regimen during menstruation). This also focus on maintaining physical and mental health of women from menarche to menopause.
- To excel as an integrative centre for the prevention and management of Obstetrics and Gynecological disorders.
- To enable the young generation doctors to excel in the field of Prasutitantra and Striroga.
- To have a healthy progeny from healthy mother by addressing the concept of Supraja,Garbhadana vidhi, Garbhiniparicharya,Prasavaparicharya and
- To prevent and cure Gynecological diseases through Rajaswala charya, Panchakarma, Sthanik Chikitsa, ideal lifestyle and diet.
- To improve the quality of life of Menopausal women through Rasayana.
- To emphasis on the preventive, curative and Palliative aspects of Gynecological cancers through Ayurveda.
- To promote research in the feild of Prasutitantra Evam Striroga.