

The Central Library plays a significant role to serve the faculty members, research fellows, staff and students. It creates an inviting, comfortable & modern environment conducive to study, research, and the exploration of new information and dissemination of knowledge. It remains open for all working days except Sundays and national holidays to serve readers with its rich collection of Books.


Faculty In-Charge

Dr. Akhilesh Shukla

The library has the following number of books, e-journals, magazines, encyclopaedia and newspapers.

BooksPrinted JournalsGifted BooksMagazinesEncyclopaediaNewspapers (local & national)
Modern – 2800 Ayurved – 4645
Total – 7445

Online link : Central Library OPAC

Library Timings : Monday to Friday   09:00 AM to 09:00 PM

                           : Saturday 9.00 AM to 5:00PM

                           : Sunday & Other Public holidays 09:00 AM to09:00PM

Late Return Fines: A fine will be incurred for each day an item is overdue. The fine amount is Rs.2/- per day for each overdue item.

  1. Activities
  2. National librarian’s day on 12 August