Roga Nidan evan Vikriti vigyana
Dept. of Roga Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan deals with the etiopathology and pathophysiology of a disease which include the factors responsible for disease production i.e. Nidana and the condition causes abnormal state of mind and body i.e. Vikriti. All these are essential to comprehend the process of disease manifestation and there by the diagnosis of the same. The subject plays an essential role in fathoming the pathogenesis and clinical features of a particular disease and the required clinical examination methods and investigations to be done in each condition. This department attend to the clinical laboratories of the hospital as well.
Departmental Vision:
- To educate the students about a clear base and foundation of Ayurveda
- Develop fundamental diagnostic aspects of Ayurveda
- To impart teaching, training and research to the students
- Initiate research works in collaboration with other reputed institutions
- Clinical skill development and there by upgrade the patient care in hospital
- To ensure the quality in laboratory test leading to a better hospital infrastructure
- To ignite the competence among the students in clinical grounds and in exploring the pathology behind the diseases.
Enhance the knowledge of students towards the Ayurvedic diagnosis and to expedite diagnostic tests in shortest period for forestallment and control of disease.
- To contribute easy and rapid diagnostic tools in Ayurveda
- To develop Ayurvedic diagnostic and clinical skills in the students
- To promote continuous learning about sprouting technologies and inventions in diagnostic field.