Laboratory Services
All India Institute of Ayurveda has rapidly expanding patient friendly laboratory which is adding recent innovative technologies for hospital purpose and researches. The clinical laboratories situated in the first floor of hospital building, having 5 rooms for Clinical Haematology, Biochemistry, Serology, Microbiology and Histopathology. The lab is in its developing phase and ought to get new instruments to each section. Here patients get the best quality lab services at the lowest prices. Here the expert service of Consultant Pathologist and Consultant Microbiologist is available for patients and for research guidance.
Haematology lab deals with blood samples, plays an important role in finding out the causes of blood born disease by giving required lab results. It helps in routine examination of complete cells in circulation and haemoglobin. Stained blood smear studies are inevitable in determining morphological abnormalities of cells in peripheral blood circulation and it also helps in differential cell counts of leucocytes.
Biochemistry lab helps in processing samples like blood, urine for the identification of its components and there by exposing the pathology leading to the diagnosis of the disease. The knowledge of these parameters helps to monitor patients’ conditions and effectiveness of current treatment/ medications.
Serology lab deals with the scientific study of blood serum and other bodily fluids. In practical immunological terms, it includes tests that detect and measure the levels of antibodies which is formed as a result of exposure to a particular microorganism like bacteria or virus.
Microbiology lab caters to processing of samples like pus, blood, sputum, urine, stool for the culture and sensitivity and serological & immunological tests for identification of organisms causing the disease there by treating the disease correctly. Lab is also in process of adding automation for various tests. Lab helps in surveillance of critical care areas there by helping maintaining hospital infection control activities.
Histopathology lab deals with various body tissue/ cells, helps in interpreting sizes, shapes and patterns of them by their microscopic examination. It helps in understanding the underlying pathology and there by aids in diagnosis.